Conference Programme - 18 September 2017

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Time Speaker Title
13:15 Sally Bromley Introduction
13:20 Dr Patrick Lewis James Parkinson and the disease bearing his name Video screencast
13:35 Prof. Chrystalina Antoniades PD clinical research today
13:50 Dr Arthur Roach, Dr Richard Wyse, Prof Richard Wade-Martins
Moderator: Dr Kevin McFarthing
Panel discussion: The promise of future therapies MP3 audio podcast
14:30 Prof. Helen Dawes Staying active with Parkinson's Video screencast

Movement and mobility were linked to mental and physical health and well-being by a number of early philosophers including Confucius and Plato. Whilst the importance of being active has been reiterated throughout history, we have more recently engaged with the need for a physically active lifestyle for all. Physical activity is strongly linked to better cognition, mobility, mood, cardiovascular health and importantly disease prevention. However, we are less certain when deciding how to best approach and engage with a physically active lifestyle; what, for whom and when! My talk will explore the evidence of safe, effective, optimal and even minimal approaches to physical activity for people with Parkinson's.

Sophie Gwilym PD Warrior: Exercise is Medicine! Video screencast

PD Warrior is an exercise philosophy designed to slow the symptoms of Parkinson's. It consists of a neuro-active exercise and education program aiming to introduce exercise for life. Created in 2011 by neurological physiotherapists in Sydney, Australia, It has been licensed and an international training programme developed. PD Warrior represents a shift in physiotherapy approach to Parkinson's. It is an early intervention strategy tackling specific impairments head on. There are 7 core principles of PD Warrior exercise: High Effort, Meaningful, Complex, Powerful, Specificity, Frequency and Fun. Oxfordshire Neurophysiotherapy (ON Physio) deliver a comprehensive Parkinson's physio service. Sophie observed the work of Melissa and Lynn with PD Warrior in Sydney 2012. Returning to the UK this inspired and influenced her practice. ON Physio has 3 accredited instructors and is now a PD Warrior licensed facility. PD Warrior sits perfectly with the ON Physio groups PD Defence and Attack as an early intervention strategy for Parkinson's.

Sarah Wheatley Big, Bold and Balance: community exercise classes for people with Parkinson's Video screencast

The Physical Disability Physiotherapy Service at Oxford Health approached AgeUK Oxfordshire in 2013 to see if we could provide community based exercise sessions which would be suitable to people with Parkinson's, in particular those who had completed a 6 week rehabilitation course with their team. We soon realised there was a gap for on-going community exercise classes, led by suitably qualified and experienced exercise instructors, which anyone could join at any stage of their Parkinson's. This presentation outlines the development of Big Bold and Balance and the benefits of attending.

15:00 BREAK
Moderator: Paul Mayhew-Archer
15:35 Alex Reed The four pillars of PD Video screencast

The 4 pillars are essential. Medicine alone will not assure quality of life. Movement, Lifestyle, and Psychology and acceptance all play a major role. If one of the above Pillars goes down, it may pull down others too. That's why apathy and depression are so destructive. If we stop caring, we stop exercising and we stop living. We are then left with just the Medicines. Back to square one and, worse, we enter what one leading neurologist called "The Vortex of Apathy". The vortex pulls us down, eliminates neuro protection and neuroplasticity, and destroys people with Parkinson's and the lives of those around them.

15:50 Emma Lawton What Parkinson's Taught Me Video screencast
16:00 Dr Jim Sheridan Measuring yourself Video screencast

I started self-monitoring because my introduction to Parkinson's medication was problematic (side-effects outweighed minor benefits). Over time I have been able to whittle the number of symptom measuring tests to four: tremor mean amplitude, time to write a sentence, number of toe-taps in 30 seconds, and time to complete a short walk indoors. I have also produced an adaptation of the UPDRS that uses a common scoring scheme for symptoms as experienced by people with Parkinson's. I only self-monitor around the periods that I am changing my medication. I record the results on printed forms and periodically transfer the data to a spreadsheet. This plots the data in a way that can rapidly convey the effects of changing my medication to my neurologist. My presentation, available for download after the conference, has additional slides on monitoring - and includes links to the Self-Monitoring Test Plan and spreadsheet for your own use.

16:10 Sally Bromley First Steps Video screencast

For most people who are told they have Parkinson's it is a change of life as they have known it. Suddenly your future may not look too rosy. So what's the best way to approach it?
Alex Reed, Peter Harling and I wrote the two day programme, First Steps. Inspired by the Parkinson Therapy Centre in Northern Italy we focussed on the anxieties, fears and lack of understanding around Parkinson's that most of us go through. It is presented by people who themselves have Parkinson's and, at the end of the two days, participants have a feeling of confidence to face the future. Currently it is only available in the Oxford area - but that's about to change.
In today's conference you will hear more about the programme and, more importantly, how it will be available elsewhere.

16:20 Dr Michele Hu PD trials coming soon near you Video screencast

This talk will briefly summarise innovative research studies on the immediate horizon, that people with Parkinson's within Oxfordshire and the wider Thames Valley will be able to consider taking part in. Supported by the Oxford Parkinson's Disease Centre, forthcoming clinical trials will include novel immunotherapies with alpha-synuclein antibody infusions, diabetic treatments including the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist exenatide, and wearable devices to treat gait freezing in Parkinson's.

16:30 Alex Reed, Emma Lawton, John Foster
Moderator: Jo Bromley
Panel discussion: Living better with Parkinson's PDF transcript
17:10 Paul Mayhew-Archer Parkinson's - the funny side

Paul will talk about the therapeutic power of comedy and laughter and reveal how The Vicar of Dibley saved a life... He will also tell some jokes.

18:00 Finish