Parkinson's UK Oxford Branch Parkinson's UK, our parent charity

July 2019

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Employment survey

 Parkinson’s UK

Share the impact that Parkinson’s has had on your employment

Parkinson’s UK has launched a survey to capture the experiences of people with Parkinson’s who are working, or looking for work, and how your diagnosis has affected your employment.

If you were diagnosed with Parkinson’s during your working life we want to hear about your experiences. If you were looking for work, what difficulties did you face? If you were already employed, what impact did it have?

Purpose of this survey

At Parkinson’s UK we plan to use the results of this survey to inform our future work and help us develop our policy position. This could include:

Share your views

If you’d like to share your experience or concerns about employment then please complete the survey online at

Alternatively, you can email Michael Griffin on or call on 020 7963 9349 for a paper copy.

The survey closes on Sunday 15 September 2019.

It’s important we hear from as many people with Parkinson’s who have experience around employment, so please share the survey with your Parkinson’s networks to help us reach as many people as possible.

Unless permission is clearly given, all responses are confidential and will only be used anonymously by Parkinson’s UK in our campaigning work.

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