A long and difficult day! We set off from Leamington along the tow path by the Grand Union Canal. Had to walk some sections because of the path being very narrow. We successfully joined NCR 52 in Warwick and made good progress until the route was blocked by a fallen tree. Found a way round and negotiated Kenilworth and Coventry city centre OK.
Still on NCR 42, we joined the Coventry Canal towpath. Very slow. We walked quite a bit. Some annoying gateways that were very tricky to get the bikes round. At Hawksbury Lock we decided to go on the road for a bit only to find the road over the canal was closed! Carried the bikes over a foot bridge. Cycled through Bedworth then joined the towpath again.
This was much easier going and we were making good progress until Nigel skidded due catching on some brambles and fell off. After some rudimentary first aid, amazingly he bravely got back on the bike and pedalled on. He’s got some bruises and minor cuts and grazes but we think he has hurt his shoulder. We’ll decide what to do tomorrow. On the plus side he did manage to walk to the pub in the village!
Sounds as though you’ve had it tough today. Full of admiration for the two of you. Hope the pub refreshed you and that you get a good night’s rest.
Many thanks Angie and Malc. Last two days less stressful although a few steep hills at the end today!
An unfair run of bad luck. Trusting Day 4 will be better. At least you have a fairly flat journey before things get more “interesting” further north! We’re all thinking of you. All the best from Jonathan and Sally.
Day 3 was always going to be a difficult one. Varied. Industrial. But fallen trees, blocked roads, fences! Tough. Hope you are able to continue ok today.
Hi Both hope today has been good and you are having only good luck from now on. XA&F