Support for daily living
- Move Together
This initiative, funded by Oxfordshire County Council and coordinated by Active Oxfordshire, is a new programme to get everyone active. It is based on the idea that activity is always a good thing, provided it is tailored to your health and physical condition.
To learn more about Move Together, use the form on their website
- Useful advice and guidance from AgeUK Oxfordshire
Information and Advice
Community Links Oxfordshire
NHS Continuing Healthcare Advice
Guidance on the CHC system:
- AgeUK Oxfordshire’s Physical Activity Team
Age UK Oxfordshire’s Physical Activity service wants to support you in maintaining health, mobility, and independence, and to keep doing what you love for longer.
Many members of our Branch regularly enjoy their Big Bold and Balance classes.
- Practical support from AgeUK Oxfordshire
Home Support Options
including nail cutting and support at home:
Phone Friends
A friendly voice at the end of the phone:
Social prescribing
Helping you to live life to the full:
The Age Friendly Creative Network
Access to creative and cultural opportunities:
Tech Buddy
Helping you to be involved, safely, with the online world in which we all now live:
- Falls Prevention Service
Falls are not only the result of getting older. Many falls can be prevented. The Falls Service offers help and advice to help older people avoid falls and to regain confidence if they have fallen. Their emphasis is on assessment, rehabilitation and exercise as this is the most important intervention that helps to reduce falls and fractures.
- Disability and Sensory Loss services
These services aim to promote independence for people with disabilities. There is more information on the web at:
You can can contact the Hearing Impairment Team by phone 01865 894925, text message to 07713 329501, or by email:
For the Visual Impairment Team, phone 01865 894935, or email:
- Livewell Oxfordshire Guide
Livewell Oxfordshire is an online information tool provided by Oxfordshire Social services to help you search for services in Oxfordshire.
It’s also available as an e-book: and you can order a copy through that link or the Single Point of Access phone number 0345 050 7666.
- Occupational Therapy services
Oxfordshire Social Services’ occupational therapy service can help you with:
- Providing equipment in your home
- Advising where to buy equipment
- Advice on alterations to your home
- Finding alternative ways to carry out day to day tasks
- Information and how to apply
You can find more details online at or you can telephone 0345 050 7666 and choose the Adult Services and then Occupational Therapy options.
You can refer yourself. Alternatively, family and friends, your social worker or carer, and your nurse or GP can refer you.
- Assistive technology
For gadgets to help you at home
- Telecare service
for monitoring you in your own home via an alarm service to deal with falls or other emergencies:
- Travel and Blue Badge parking permits
If you are disabled, a Blue Badge helps you to park closer to your destination when travelling as either a driver or a passenger. A new or renewed blue badge costs £10. When applying you’ll answer questions about your eligibility for a Blue Badge.
If you are unable to complete do an online application form, you can telephone 0345 050 7666 and choose the Blue Badge option.
Also you can apply for Older Person’s bus passes, Disabled Person’s bus passes or a Companion bus pass (for someone who is not eligible for a bus pass but can travel with you on the bus if you need someone).
- RADAR key for disabled toilets
It’s always worth taking a look at the Parkinson’s UK shop, as it has lots of useful information and products.
This may be particularly useful, allowing you to use a nationwide network of accessible toilets:
- Wheelchair Service
You can be referred to this service via your GP or your Parkinson’s Nurse after you have discussed your needs with them.