Social, counselling and mental health support
- Useful advice and guidance from AgeUK Oxfordshire
Information and Advice
Community Links Oxfordshire
NHS Continuing Healthcare Advice
Guidance on the CHC system:
- Practical support from AgeUK Oxfordshire
Home Support Options
including nail cutting and support at home:
Phone Friends
A friendly voice at the end of the phone:
Social prescribing
Helping you to live life to the full:
The Age Friendly Creative Network
Access to creative and cultural opportunities:
Tech Buddy
Helping you to be involved, safely, with the online world in which we all now live:
- Support with caring from AgeUK Oxfordshire
Action for Carers
A comprehensive service of guidance and support for carers, including the helpful regular newsletter Care Matters:
From there you can also access the Carers Oxfordshire website which includes information about the free training courses A Carer’s Journey.
Dementia Oxfordshire
Home share
- Parkinson’s UK Help
Our parent charity Parkinson’s UK has a Helpline 0808 800 0303 which is a free and confidential service providing support to anyone affected by Parkinson’s. You can also contact them by email or by text relay (for Textphone users only): 18001 0808 800 0303
The Helpline can offer assistance with applying for benefits.
The shop offers free Factsheets on many benefits, as well as a huge range of other valuable information.
- The Oxford Branch of Parkinson’s UK
Our website
You can find up-to-date information on all our activities at
- First Steps: guidance for newly diagnosed
Parkinson’s UK’s short course for anyone who has recently received a Parkinson’s diagnosis
- Move Together
This initiative, funded by Oxfordshire County Council and coordinated by Active Oxfordshire, is a new programme to get everyone active. It is based on the idea that activity is always a good thing, provided it is tailored to your health and physical condition.
To learn more about Move Together, use the form on their website
- Mindfulness
We are very fortunate in having access to a mindfulness expert, Azizë Stirling. She has been astonishingly creative in developing online mindfulness courses during Covid times, and in seeking funding to make the classes more affordable.
You can find more about her work, details of the classes, and her reports on their results here on our website.
- Bereavement support
AgeUK Oxfordshire’s Bereavement Support Service offers the chance for you to get together at regular walks, pub lunches and other social activities. The support line is available Monday to Friday, where you can talk to a team member. or phone 01235 426600 (Monday to Friday)