Contact us
Our contact phone number:
If we are not immediately available, we will ask you to leave a voice message and we will respond to you as soon as we can.
We will always try to help with any questions you may have about Parkinson’s or our Branch. If we can’t help you directly, we will guide you to other organisations or services that may be able to support you.
Regular Branch meetings
For the lighter months (April to October): 7pm-9pm, first Wednesday of each month
See our meetings page for more details.
Key contacts
Communications Secretary
Josey Carpenter
Membership Secretary
Nigel Hamilton
For any queries, corrections or technical problems relating to our website, please contact
Become a member
We welcome membership applications from anyone affected by Parkinson’s, especially those living in Oxfordshire or nearby. You can become a member using the application form on our website.
Other contacts
You can find additional email addresses in the Branch welcome leaflet and on our committee page.
Parkinson's UK, our parent body
Parkinson's UK has a vast range of support and information on their website. Their helpline 0808 800 0303 can be used to access any of their services and support, including our Local Adviser, Delia Wells.