Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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ParkyPals, our telephone befriending service

Photo: A friendly voice on the phone

A friendly voice and a smile

ParkyPals offers...

How to reach us

Prefer not to phone?

Visit our Parky Pals contact page where you can leave a written message, and we will respond using your choice of email, phone or text (SMS).

Who are Parky Pals?

Our team is made up of Oxford Branch members, mostly people with Parkinson’s or carers - so we all know very well what it’s like to live with Parkinson’s.

How can we help you?

Most important of all, we offer a listening ear and a friendly chat. We can also offer information, and help you find the resources you need.

Our promises to you

All our team members have completed Parkinson’s UK training on safeguarding and data protection, and are DBS checked for your safety (DBS is the national Disclosure and Barring Service).

Your personal data is safe with us:

Things we cannot do

We cannot give you medical or legal advice. However, we may be able to point you in the direction of trustworthy services that can help, such as your local Parkinson’s advisor or a Parkinson’s nurse.