Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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Grants from Parkinson's UK

Our parent charity Parkinson's UK has a grant scheme intended to provide occasional support to people with Parkinson's or their carers who are in financial need.

Information from Parkinson's UK:

Parkinson's UK logo

Parkinson's UK Take Control Grants

People affected by Parkinson's can apply for a grant of up to £1,500. This can be used to fund things that will improve their quality of life or to help them access activities to improve their well-being.

Who can apply?

We're committed to offering grants to people affected by Parkinson's who are in the greatest financial need. To apply for a Take Control Grant your total household savings must be less than £16,000.

What we can fund

Maximum grant
Electrical items £500
Respite care £1,000
Specialist equipment or home adaptation £1,500
Activities £250

Apart from the Activities grants, these grants are limited to one application per household.

What we don't fund

We don't fund long-term financial commitments or daily living costs. We will not consider applications to fund items that you've already paid for, or committed to paying for.

We don't fund items or respite where funding should be available from the government or from your local authority.

How to apply for a Take Control Grant

You can download an application form from our website at, or you can request an application form by emailing us at or calling us on 020 7963 3785.