Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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Speech and language therapy opportunities

Many people with Parkinson's experience voice changes including weakening of the voice, hesitancy, and loss of articulacy. Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) can help with this. Here we have tried to gather useful information about NHS and other services that may be able to help you with maintaining your voice.

Please let us know of any other information you think should be added here. We are always happy to receive suggestions by email to

NHS Speech and Language Therapy in our area
Your GP can help you with referral to the NHS SALT service. In addition, PwP or their carers can access the service directly. You can find more on the NHS website at this link.
Our popular weekly singing class
Our Branch subsidises a singing and voice class every Friday. Full details are on our exercise classes page.
Specialist SALT for Parkinson's
A group of private speech and language therapy specialists has worked closely with our Branch to launch a new Parkinson's therapy group. You can learn more about this exciting initiative in their flyer, which you can read by clicking here.