Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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Working Age Group (OxWAG) meetings and events

Our regular meetings take place on Sunday afternoons, usually from 2.15pm to 3.45pm on the second Sunday of each month except July and August. Please check the events diary (below), as some details may vary.

Our OxWAG information page describes our aims and activities.

Future events

Here is a list of all OxWAG events planned for the next six months.

Include all Branch events in your own Google Calendar

If you already use Google Calendar, you can easily include our Branch events into it so that all Branch dates appear directly in your own calendar. Here's how to do it:

All Branch events will now appear in your own calendar.

If you have an event that you would like to appear on this page, please email us at with dates, details and contact information.

Looking for other Oxford Branch activities?

The Oxford Branch of Parkinson’s UK offers a range of meetings, events and activities of interest to people with Parkinson’s, their carers and families. You can find a diary listing on the Branch events page and full details of exercise classes and other regular activities on the classes page.