Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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Our support for your patients or clients

Sally Bromley

Resources for home and professional carers

Our Branch Ambassador Sally Bromley has visited several care facilities to present information about caring for residents with Parkinson’s. She provided an extensive list of useful resources that is also useful for home care workers and unpaid carers such as family members.

The online version with clickable web links is available at this link.

An additional Oxford Branch leaflet on looking after people with Parkinson’s sensitively and effectively is available at this link.

The Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network has a comprehensive information booklet on this topic which you can get at this link. There is also a companion e-learning presentation which you can access by visiting this web page.

Respite care grants

Financial support for respite care

Thanks to our fundraising and a generous legacy, we can offer cash grants to help pay for respite care, allowing unpaid carers to have some “me time”. The available grants will typically provide around 25 to 35 hours of care per year for each grant recipient. The application process is straightforward and can be done online, though we urge potential applicants to contact us in advance to confirm their eligibility.

Oxford Branch of Parkinson's UK

Our Branch and its activities

Oxford Branch offers friendly support, social opportunities, meetings and outings to people affected by Parkinson’s in the Oxford area and beyond. Many of our activities are available both in-person and online, to help those who cannot easily travel to meetings.