Parkinson's Oxford and DistrictParkinson's UK
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Support available to you

On this page you can find information about various forms of support that are available to people with Parkinson's and their carers or family.

Please let us know of any other information you think should be added here. We are always happy to receive suggestions by email to

Delia Wells, our Local Adviser

Comprehensive listing of support and benefits

At our September 2021 Branch meeting, Delia Wells (our Parkinson’s UK Local Adviser) presented a wonderfully complete listing of support services, benefits and guidance that may be available to you.

Follow this link to see the whole listing.

Our older list of support information

Planning your annual consultation with neurologist or nurse
Your annual appointment to see your neurologist or Parkinson’s specialist nurse is an important component of your support. To help make the best of these all-too-infrequent consultations, use our preparation document to record your medication, changes in your condition since the last appointment, and any matters of special concern. The completed document can be a valuable aide-memoire for you and a useful record for the clinician.
Speech and language therapy - support for your voice
Keep your voice active and exercised! Check out our information on speech and language therapy, voice and singing classes, and other support that can help you with voice changes that are often a feature of Parkinson's.
Free learning opportunities for carers
Abingdon and Witney College offers a comprehensive range of courses to help unpaid carers with how to look after their loved ones (first aid, care skills, safe handling) and, just as important, how to look after themselves. Click here for details and links to course enrolment.
Attendance allowance
If a person with Parkinson’s needs help with tasks of daily living such as dressing, feeding, standing, washing or toilet, they are entitled to Attendance Allowance. This is not means tested. There are two rates: one for daytime care and one for day plus night care. Our Parkinson’s UK Local Adviser, Delia, can provide advice on how to complete the form and has an excellent record of success with the applications.
Grants from Parkinson's UK
Our parent charity Parkinson's UK can provide grants of up to £1500 to help with various needs. Click here for more details.
Respite care subsidised by Oxford Branch
To assist carers, we provide modest respite care grants - click here to find out more.
Support from County and District Councils

All the District Councils in Oxfordshire have support schemes that provide practical help for you to stay in your own home, ranging from reliable low-cost handyman services to grants and other help with adapting your home. Here are some links that may be helpful. Please choose the appropriate District Council for where you live (check your Council Tax bill if you're not sure which is your District Council).

Oxford City


South Oxfordshire

West Oxfordshire

Vale of White Horse

Applying for Council Tax relief

Some people with Parkinson’s or their carers may be eligible for some Council Tax relief, either because of severe mental impairment or because they have more than 35 hours per week caring responsibilities. In some cases the relief can be backdated to the date of diagnosis. Here are some links to help you find what is available. Please choose the appropriate District Council for where you live (check your Council Tax bill if you're not sure which is your District Council).

Support from Parkinson’s UK

Oxford City


South Oxfordshire

West Oxfordshire

Vale of White Horse